Chief Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Hj Aman said mass media plays an important role in helping he Government to develop the State, particularly the implementation of Sabah Development Corridor (SDC).
According to Musa, the Government is committed to ensuring the success of the SDC, thus cooperation and support from the media are needed.
“The State Government seeks the assistance from the media in the Government’s efforts to develop the SDC, he said in his speech at the Kota Kinabalu Journalists Association (KKJA) Chinese New Year luncheon at Atlantis Seafood Restaurant here yesterday.
Musa said that in line with the implementation of the SDC, people will be enjoying every development benefit provided by the Government. The event featured lion dance, singing and dancing, lucky draw and presentation of red packets to children and those who are still single.
Organizing chairman Jonathan Wong said KKJA will continue to cooperate with the Government in helping them to develop the State.
“I hope this program will strengthen the relationship among the members who are from different races and religions,” he said. Among those present at the celebration were Assistant Minister to the Chief MinisterDatuk Edward Khoo Keok Hai, Liberal Democratic Party President Datuk VK Liew, City Hall Mayor Datuk Iliyas Ibrahim, KKJA President Wong Bak Kion, Organizing Chairman Jonathan Wong, Barisan Nastional component Party leaders and family members of KKJA members.